Challenger Profile

Nich Cunliffe


Nich Cunliffe

Challenger Profile

Diana and I live in the centre of Kent in the UK - we're 39 years married with 4 grown children.

Career in Africa and UK in Farming, Property and Charity work.

Very much a people person with practical abilities, a Christian faith and I love challenges, long distance walking, and encouraging others to achieve more than they think they are capable of.

Date of Trip: October 2014

Starfish Malawi is evolving into an excellent educational Christian charity, linking UK and Malawi schools through combined curricular and practical methods of teaching, encouraging a Global understanding between differing cultural and spiritual beliefs.

The aim of this adventure is raise the profile and funds for this excellent work - apart that is from the challenge, being told I am too old and the joy of walking with other like minded folks who have others on their heart.

So please help me to help others by making a donation here: